Augustana Arts is committed to making and presenting music in an equitable, respectful, and kind environment. We believe a commitment to inclusion must accompany diversity, and that equity in all aspects of race, culture, ideology, gender, sexuality and economic reality must be the driving force for how Augustana Arts engages the community with music. We embrace all humans and welcome ongoing discourse that is vulnerable, curious, and open, while condemning sentiments and actions stemming from individual and systemic biases. 

 In the coming months, we will be outlining how we will evolve our beliefs into a clear plan of action, beginning with asking the Augustana Arts community to contribute to the development of a Code of Authentic and Active Ethics. This Code will ultimately guide our work in honoring the diverse identities of staff, students, musicians and audience as we challenge ourselves to ask vulnerable questions in order to remain open to forging ongoing paths to advance equity. At Augustana Arts, we strive to provide a safe harbor in the face of bias and hate.

We invite your participation in this important and ongoing conversation. Contact the Augustana Arts DEIB team at info@augustanaarts.org to learn how you can get involved.